The Movie Producer Mastermind provides professional level training for producers, directors, actors, writers, film students, or second career filmmakers. This system is designed to help you make movies and "level up" your filmmaking career.

(choose your package below)




Write Your Screenplay
Movie Plan Pro
Find Film Investors
Producer Pitch Secrets
Maximize Movie Meetings
Funded Development Secrets
Movie Producer Mechanics
Television Plan Pro
Produce Your TV Series
Film Market Action Plan
Movie Marketing Blueprint
Film Distribution Prep
Get Film Distribution
International Distribution
Film Producer Road Map
All New Malloy Trainings
Bi-Weekly Q&A Sessions
Checklists & Cheatsheets
Exclusive Online Community
Member Only Resources & Perks
Priority Access Via Email

- Bonus: 1x 30min Tom Malloy Coaching

Got questions? Give us a call 310.746.3868

I have an MFA in screenwriting from UCLA, I have produced dozens of short films for brands and entertainment. But I still find the structure, support, motivation and accountability that are the foundation pillars of this group to be crucial in helping me stay focused on achieving my my filmmaking goals.

Kathy Berardi


- today BONUS package - 



Write Your Screenplay
Movie Plan Pro
Find Film Investors
Producer Pitch Secrets
Maximize Movie Meetings
Funded Development Secrets
Movie Producer Mechanics
Television Plan Pro
Produce Your TV Series
Film Market Action Plan
Movie Marketing Blueprint
Film Distribution Prep
Get Film Distribution
International Distribution
Film Producer Road Map
All New Malloy Trainings
Bi-Weekly Q&A Sessions
Checklists & Cheatsheets
Exclusive Online Community
Member Only Resources & Perks
Priority Access Via Email

- Bonus: 2x 30min Tom Malloy Coaching

a $2401.00 vALUE! -  $997TODAY ONLY !

Got questions? Give us a call 310.746.3868

Filmmaking Stuff HQ has given me thoughtful, actionable advice on pitching, marketing, and distribution strategy. Our FSHQ mastermind calls really meet each of us where we and our projects are at. Their responsiveness to email and the Filmmaking Insider posts make me feel like a part of this growing community.

Carylanna Taylor


Package available for a limited time

Text Questions to 310-746-3868

This Is For Serious Filmmakers Only

Before you invest in any filmmaking training, we want to be completely transparent with you. Not all people will get the same results from this information. Your own results will vary based on your background, experience, and desire to take action. 

Every business... Especially the motion picture business involves risk. The people who get results take action, continually educate themselves and they often get lucky.

If you're not okay with this reality, then please do not invest in any training.

If you are okay with this reality, we look forward to helping you!

© Copyright 2024 Filmmaking Stuff HQ | A Production of Brubaker Unlimited LLC  

Got questions? Give us a call 310.746.3868