Dear Filmmaker -
My name is Tom Malloy. I’ve produced sixteen films and I’ve raised over $25 million from financiers to fund those films...
When it comes to producing a feature film, most of us are continually working to improve our craft and "level up" our filmmaking careers. But how do we do this?
If you think about it, there is often a differentiating factor between selling your film and not selling your film.
It is often the difference between landing a theatrical release and a straight to VOD release.
And it's often the one thing that will make you look like a professional filmmaker to all your peers...
One of the most important selling points of your film is the CAST. Specifically casting name actors. Whether we are taking about A-list, B-list, or C-list talent...
Casting celebrity talent in your film can have a HUGE impact on the success of your film. I am speaking from experience. In addition to producing my own films, I also run a sales company. This means I work most the film markets, pitching our catalogue of titles. And the BIG question buyers always ask is:
“Who’s in the movie?”
While some films can be successful without a recognizable cast, I have personally found it's a much easier conversation when you have sellable cast attached to your film. And that is why I took some time to create this training.
"Tom understands what it takes to close an investor and to even find them! He is an excellent teacher and I highly recommend him."
Now you might think to yourself:
"Tom it would be really nice if I had the budget to pay for major star talent."
But here’s the thing... You don’t need a huge budget to afford name cast.
I’m gonna let you in on a secret.
Actors LOVE to work.
And you just have to know how to approach them the right way.
"Tom’s willingness to share his experience so openly has definitely helped launch us on our way to producing our feature."
To help you learn how to attract a "name cast," I put together a step-by-step, eight part video series. These are the same strategies I use, and I think knowing this stuff will help you navigate your next film project.
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"Getting the money is the vital part of getting your film made. Without money, nothing else can happen. Kudos to Tom Malloy"
I put a ton of work into making this the best step-by-step casting training in the world. I’m convinced you won’t find a better system to help you learn this stuff. So when you get this training, you’re free to try it out for 60-days.
If you follow the steps and really give it a shot I guarantee you’ll be satisfied. And if this training does not help you get closer to your filmmaking goals, I will happily return your money. And as my gift you can even keep your downloads!
Tom Malloy
P.S. Your time is important. This training is designed to help you get a few good ideas so you can "level up" your filmmaking. You can log in any time and go at your own pace.
P.P.S. Also keep in mind that this training comes to you risk free... If after going through the video modules, you decide the training is not for you, just reach out for a full refund.
And as our gift to you, you can even keep your bonus downloads. So what are you waiting for? Get started right now... And I'll see you on the other side.
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Before you invest in this training, please know that not all people will get the same results from this information. This is because some people have been producing films for years. And because these folks have lots of experience and connections, they may be able to apply this training in ways that a beginner cannot. Your own results will vary based on your background, experience, and ability to take action. Every business... Especially the motion picture business involves risk. The people who get results take action, continually educate themselves and they often get lucky. So if you're not okay with this reality, then please DO NOT invest in this training.
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