The most challenging part of producing a feature film is getting started. Many would-be film producers sit around all year, waiting for all aspects of their project to be perfect. Not you. The sooner you realize your film will never be perfect, the better. This mindset frees you up to start with an idea (any idea) and take the following steps towards putting your story on the big screen.
Taking action is always better than making excuses for why you can’t make your movie. But I want to caution you. When it comes to making a movie, there is a lot of crappy information. Most information tells you that making a movie is impossible without foreign pre-sales, star power, or getting a significant deal with a movie studio. But there are other ways.
Step 01 – Film Producer Overview
The Filmmaker Action Pack will give you a complete overview of all the best practices for getting your film produced and sold. This video series will teach you what it takes to make movies, with step-by-step instructions on how to get things done. When you complete this introductory training, you will know the necessary steps for taking your story from script to screen.
Step 02 – Write Your Screenplay
In order to make a great film, you need to have a killer screenplay. The characters need to seem real, and the dialogue must sound natural. There must be something suspenseful about the plot, and the story needs to have a satisfying ending. In this video training, you will gain step-by-step insights on how to turn your idea into the first draft of an awesome screenplay.
Step 03 – Film Business Plan
A film business plan is a document that tells prospective investors what your movie is about and how much it will cost to produce. Your film business plan will also explain how you intend to market and sell your film. And most importantly, your film business plan will explain why someone should invest in your movie. In this video training, Tom Malloy shows you how to finish your film business plan fast.
Step 04 – Development Funding Strategy
After producing multiple feature films, I realized there is one distinct secret strategy between feature films that get produced and those that do not. A large percentage of the projects where I employed the “funded development strategy” was successful in getting the green light. In this step-by-step video training, you’ll discover how to employ this strategy in your own film production.
Step 05 – Cast Name Actors
Casting name actors is often the differentiating factor between producing a backyard indie or making a professionally produced film. And when your film is fully finished and ready for the marketplace, having a name cast is often the difference between landing a theatrical release or a straight to VOD release. This step-by-step video training shows you how to find, approach, and cast name actors.
Step 06 – Find Film Investors
In this series of videos, I break down step by step the directions for How to Find Investors who could potentially invest in your film projects. And if you’ve watched my videos before, you know I hold NOTHING back. I give you every tactic I have used and continue to use. These are the same techniques that have allowed me to have the motion picture career I have.
Step 07 – Pitch Your Film
You can learn a lot about the filmmaking process. But unless you learn how to pitch, your career will move at a very slow pace. For this reason, pitching is THE most important skill you can learn to accelerate your filmmaking success. What you’ll gain in this training is the exact system that allowed me to pitch and close deals on many films. And you can learn it too.
Step 08 – Film Distribution Prep
Getting a film distribution deal is exciting. After all your hard work, your feature film will finally be available in popular platforms like Netflix for the world to see. That is until you get the dreaded call. Your motion picture delivery has failed quality control, and you missed the delivery window. As a result, your distribution deal is dead. This video training helps you avoid common delivery pitfalls.
Step 09 – American Film Market
The American Film Market is a trade show that happens every fall in Santa Monica, California, where movie buyers and movie sellers meet and make deals. As a film producer, AFM also offers you the opportunity to meet and pitch your feature film to industry executives and film distributors. This video training shows you how to navigate the American Film Market like a professional.
Step 10 – Get Film Distribution
The Filmmaker Action Pack will give you a complete overview of all the best practices for getting your film produced and sold. This video series will teach you what it takes to make movies, with step-by-step instructions on how to get things done. When you complete this introductory training, you will know the necessary steps for taking your story from script to screen.
Level Up Your Career
The Filmmaker Action P